Two years ago today, Taylor Lorae graced our family with her presence at 11:27pm. For nine months I really couldn't grasp the idea of having enough love for a second child. I was proven wrong, instantly. I still haven't quite figured out if my heart grew when she was born, or if that magical moment gave me a second heart.
Taylor has such an inner beauty at her young age. She's wise, she's intuitive, inquisitive, curious, creative, strong-willed and tender. Taylor's got a great sense of humor, and I think she's an old soul.
Here are a few of her favorite things:
TV Shows: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and JoJo's Circus
Characters: ANYTHING Disney - Tinkerbell, Minnie Mouse, Goofy, the Princesses; Barbie Dolls that sing, like Sharpay, Gabriella and Ariel
Activities: Smelling the "wohwies" (flowers), Playing with the puppies, Dancing and singing (she actually has rhythm!), Playing outside, Playing oustide, Playing outside!, Cruising in her swing, Going for walks, Blowing bubbles - especially on windy days, picking up rocks and licking them - yum!, Coloring, Puzzles and Beading and playing dress up
Songs: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Hot Dog, Bop to the Top, Happy Birthday to You, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Low (by Flo-Rida)
Food: Fruit, Veggies, Beans, Tortilla Chips, Lollipops and Red Vines
**Tay loves to wear dresses and accessorize. She loves bracelets, necklaces and having her nails painted. She loves to wear chapstick and is always wanting Mommy to put eyeshadow on her. She's a very girlie girl! She looks up to her big sister Hayden. She copies everything Hayden does. I have to buy in pairs....that includes same colors and styles (of whatever it may be), because she notices a difference and wants to be just like her big sister!
A few of her not so favorite things:
Taylor is still not keen on riding in a car. She's not a fan of sleeping in either. She could totally pass on trips to the mall or public places where there are just too many people. Too many being more then 10! And of course, she's definately not into doctors appointments. I think she's over being 'scoped' too!
Taylor weighs 20.4 pounds and stands 34 inches tall. She has beaming blue eyes and long eyelashes. Her beauty shines inside and out. Happy Birthday Tay!

Bec, this blog made me cry. In 2 years my heart has grown more than I could have ever imagined. Starting when you were born, then Pam and now with every grandchild my heart just keeps getting bigger and filled with more love. Taylor is a very special little girl and has a very special place in my heart. I love her so much. Today is a very special day. Today is Taylor's birthday! I can hear her little voice singing Happy Birthday with me. Happy Birthday dear Taylor, Happy Birthday to you....
Taylor is such a cutie pie! She's been through so much in her first 2years and has been such a trooper. I love your blog, it really keeps me up to date on the girls and their progress. I cracked up that one of Taylor's favorite songs was 'Low', that is so funny -does she wear apple bottom jeans? I'm sorry I missed her yesterday, she's such a busy little girl :) I will try calling her again today.
She is so beautiful! I hope she had a wonderful birthday. What a wonderful made me cry too (but not as much as the last one! I'm still recovering)
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