Thursday, April 17, 2008

Day Four

Today was a better day for my Dad. Not a great one, but better. It seems that the nurses lacadaisacal attitude about him not being on pain meds Wednesday has set him back a bit. The cardiologist explained that he needs his dosages of medication in order to progress and heal as needed - no kidding, we all know that, shouldn't the nurse? I feel so bad for him. He was so sick and mad and down yesterday.

Today his cardiologist told him he will not come home before the weekend. Unfortunately, that minor setback set the tone for that. It's best he's there, being taken care of (if they can remember to give him his meds). I'm sure he's anxious to be out of a hospital. He's been in for 10 days.

I talked to him on the phone this morning and he said that yesterday really made him realize that this is going to be a slow process, healing. I'm glad he realized that. I don't want him to get impatient and slow himself down. I'm really optimistic that he won't. It's his nature to rush...but I think he's going to listen to his body and let nature take it's course.

I haven't seen him since Tuesday and I really miss him. I'm going to see if I can try and squeeze in a visit on Friday between Taylor's procedure and my site visit for a big event on Saturday. It's the peak season at work right now and my boss is clear across the country. I've been at the helm of her company since last Thursday. I'm helping keep her company on track working at my computer from early morning until midnight all week. I'm doing my recruiting job for both of our companies holding interviews and an Orientation, and I'm working event service as well. And we all know that I'm not a 'worker'!! :) Needless to say, it's been a stressful taxes were rejected by the IRS on 4/15 at 9:15pm, more then 3 days after I filed them, due to a mistake in Taylor's social security number (that I got off my *professionally done* taxes from last year-scary!), my truck has been in the shop most of the week and I've had a battle with our health insurance company and a hospital that went around in circles for a day and a half. Those are only the 'major' things challenging me this week.

I work this weekend, some long crazy hours. I cannot wait until Wednesday. I'm hopeful my Dad will be resting at home, I will have my truck back, and my boss will be back in town. I'm ready to exhale...I'm getting exhausted holding my breath!


harbfam00 said...

Hang in there!!!!I'll be thinking about you this weekend.Love, Kris

Kristy said...

I cant believe Hayden started puking in the middle of the night. Poor you! In your case...when it pours! ha ha
Dont forget you can call me anytime to come hang out with the girls if you guys need a break. I would love to come over and play with them.