Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Cousin's Coolin' Off

Hayden and Taylor's cousins Cooper, Cash, Morgan and Melissa enjoyed a day playing outside in our sprinkler and splash pad. Bill came over to finish up some work that he's done for us on our patio cover (thanks a ton!!!), and Pam's boys came over to play while she was getting her hair done! It was a lot of fun. I wasn't here too long with all of them (I went to get my hair done too!), but while I was here, they seemed to be having such a GREAT time! I remember one time, I think it was last summer, Morgan asking me where our pool was and then commenting that "everyone has a pool, Aunt Becca!". My mind drifts back to that once in awhile when the girls are just runnin' crazy through the water, it was so funny. I think she's gotten over the fact that we don't have a pool. It seems any time she's here in the summer, she has just as much fun going through the sprinklers! And I think you can tell by the pics....Melissa ran a close second!!

(Not pictured: Cash-not into water, and wouldn't let me get a picture of him "officiating" the festivities; Sleeping Beauty-aka Taylor)


PCox said...

I know the kids had a good time. Thanks again for keeping them for me. I owe you BIG TIME!!!!

Meghan said...

It's so cute seeing all the cousins together. They are getting so big! I can't believe you don't have a pool (hee-hee). Morgan has asked me that too, she also wanted to know if I had 2 puppies and a cabin :)